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GalwayBlooms.Com has a wide selection of sympathy flowers. Our expert florists can help you order the right Sympathy flowers and send them to Galway, or nationwide throughout Ireland. Express your heartfelt condolences with a tasteful sympathy flower arrangement from local Galway Florists.

Showing 1 to 12 of 22 items

Pure Bouquet

Our expert florists will personally create your Pure Bouquet...


Peridot Bouquet

Peridot - Green and white for sheer elegance shown...


Pastel Palette

An amazing classic pink and purple hand-tied featuring Roses,...



A natural collar of foliage is the base for...


Most Loved White Roses

A classical bouquet consisting of twelve white Roses with...


Circle of Love

Circled with love and loops of grass, these white...


White & Cream Spray

This white and cream meaningful spray makes an elegant...


Lemon and cream spray

Lemon and cream spray


Pink Whisper

A Classic Pink Hand-Tied featuring Gypsophila , Pink Alstromeria...


Colourfull Spray

Colourfull spray sent to celebrate a life rather then...



Delicate lemon Roses, cream spray Carnations and perfumed Freesia...


Pure and Tender

A simple wrap of white Lilies says it all....
